Vanessa Ingram's Portfolio

About Me

I am a recent college graduate who has experience in journalism and web development with an emphasis in print, media, front-end development, UX Design, capacity building and sustainability. I believe that everyone's voices should be heard and that technology can be used to make a positive impact on society and can serve as a platform to facilitate the diverse voice and will of the people.

I am currently completing the Front-End Development certificate at Free Code Camp and I have been using other free resources and online courses to become proficient in the Front-End languages like JavaScript, HTML and CSS. I have attended various tech workshops, speakers, and networking events, and I am a dedicated independent programmer who is constantly reading and learning about new programming languages and tech advancements. Feel free to contact me about freelance, contract or job offers. Thank you.

My Projects

My projects will be listed below. This will include apps, games, webites, etc. These projects are for my personal use and so that I can practice and showcase my programming skills. Below is a gallery with links to my projects.

JS Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

Project 1

I made this project with JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
It is my first complete project using JavaScript.

Contact Me

Email:, Phone: 360-865-3772,

Facebook LinkedIn GitHub Resume